Necro Overlord Mezhen

The Scourge are at Gjalerbron and they have necromancers with them! They must be working to bring the vrykul into Arthas’ fold. I want the leader of these necrolords eliminated! Do whatever it takes, Vikstone, but see to it that Necro Overlord Mezhen, and whatever he’s attempting to accomplish, is neutralized.

I will not see the vrykul successfully allied with the Scourge! Look for Mezhen on the platform in the rear right section of Gjalerbron.


Kill Necro Overlord Mezhen. Then, return to Captain Adams at Westguard Keep.

Quest Series


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive: 10 Gold

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Necro Overlord Mezhen (2)

Necro Overlord Mezhen (3)

Necro Overlord Mezhen (4)

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